Big Freedia will make sure the azz is ever'where on Friday
Claudia Meza presents New Musics: A Night of Modern Classical and Avant Garde Exploration – Explode Into Color’s Claudia Meza helms this foray into experimental musical hipsterdom. Can queer drummer extraordinaire usher in Portland’s own version of a John Cage era? Tomorrow’s first night of acts including bearded electro-knight Copy, internationally renowned and absurdly prolific sound artist Daniel Menche, and Classical Revolution PDX, who will tackle Philip Glass’ dizzying String Quartet No.5 suggests so.
Cabin Project CD release party – Two experimental music happenings in one night? We are a blessed city. The yearlong “cabin project” comes together this night to showcase the amazing congregation of cello, synth, drums, banjo, violin, and lots of voices.
Recess at Red Cap – DJ Lunch Lady puts on yet another school themed dance party. Should we be worried about this obsession? Nah, there’s 75 cent drink specials…
Big Freedia with DJ Beyondadoubt, Onuinu – Reigning queen of sissy bounce brings a little booty shakin’ Nola to P-Town. Last time the party continued roaring over at Sassy’s into the wee hours of the morn, so I’m just gonna say bring the jiggle.
Dining with the Divas featuring Bolivia Charmichaels – Dinner theater in drag. Done.
Bent with special guest Mr Charming – I haven’t been out in awhile, so let the slutty dancing commence! How I’ve missed you.
Radical Reflections a collaborative release party – An unthemed, untamed combustion of 5 local radical queers: Sossity Chiricuzio, Tash Shatz, Galadriel Mozee, Alysia Angel and Nandi LaSophia should set the house on fire. I’m not sure what to expect but I do expect to be bowled over.
Bearracuda – Santa may be the OG bear but there will be plenty of scruffy little elves with bellies that jiggle when they laugh like bowls fully of jelly. And I have no doubt that they’d be happy to let you sit on their lap and listen to your Christmas wish list. Only question is, have you been naughty or nice this year?
Raspberry Reich film screening and dance party – Bruce Labruce is probably the most boundary-pushing queer filmmaker of our time…and besides, I’ve had a damn good time at dance parties devoted to him before. Find out just how hot in can be when sex, politics and plain old outrageousness collide.
Jackie Beat‘s All-You-Can-Eat Christmas – I’m not entirely sure what to make of this maniacal looking drag queen in a Santa hat brandishing cutlery but if you’re prepared for a mouthful I’m sure you’ll be satisfied.
Come see Kiss Kill play @ the Local Lounge on NE MLK tonight at 9pm