Little Tommy Bang Bang host Mrs Sloppy Seconds
Culture Machine @ Disjecta – That oh-so-hip warehouse art space by the Dancin’ Bare and the Paul Bunyon actually is as cool as it seems. It certainly doesn’t hurt that one of our head homos, Kaj-Anne Pepper, will be part of the invading troupe. Culture Machine is a dance performance (and research tank) that is performed and created by Tahni Holt along with Kaj-Anne Pepper, Robert Tyree, Sallie Garrido-Spencer, Thomas Thorson, Suzanne Chi, and Dicky Dahl. It’s like a big queer DJ combined with a Reed thesis expressed through dance.
Drop Shop – Sultry new queer/stripper love hip hop night goes around for its second week. Was there any booty bouncing last week? Cuz I’m in the mood to shake my laffy taffy.
!Concientizate! – It’s more than taking lemons and making lemonade, it’s about making a margarita. This is why I believe that National Latino AIDS Awareness Day and Pivot can make HIV awareness a truly great party full of arte, musica y cultura.
Mrs. Sloppy Seconds – Picking up the mantel from the virginal Miss Kaj-Anne Pepper, Little Tommy Bang Bang is just the man to usher in Mrs second time around. She’s broken in now and ready for a hot and sweaty second course meal. With a soundtrack from DJ BeyondaDoubt, TransFat and Ill Camino set against North Portland’s newest queer nightlife hot spot and you can’t go wrong.
RansomPDX’s Heros vs. Villians – Just when I thought they had disappeared forever and I took them off the calendar the raunchy RansomPDX folks are back at Crush (1400 SE Morrison). Can a hero save this party or will Dick Dastardly have his way and ruin what should be one of the more costumed and fun evenings?
Q Poetry Night with James Caroline – Having post Wordstock letdown? Engage your inner wordsmith at the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi).
Exstacy Inferno’s Candy Shop – It seems this week is one of sophomore standing as Candy also makes its second mark on the queer PDX scene. There will be more performers, more licking, and more sugar than the kids are allowed to have this close to Halloween. Plus, a secret password gets you in the door free.
Gaycation – You know it. You love it. You need a shot of it to relax. But just because Gaycation has been around the bend doesn’t mean it doesn’t get some fresh new blood injections. Intimate a-list-alterna-gay party organizer DJ Lunch Lady is taking a spot behind the decks.