Little Monsters Brooks and KT
Because qPDX was unable to make it to last night’s Lady Gaga show, we asked several of our friends to give us their highlights of last night’s show at the Rose Garden as well as agreeing to show us their amazing costumes in this Portland does Lady Gaga photo gallery. We encourage you to tell us about your experience in the comments below, and if you have pictures you want posted send them my way! (alley@qpdx.com)
Here’s what they said.
“Her closing message; We’re all born amazing superstars. Now go to bed assholes!” – Scott Braucht
“Here’s a shot of my “don’t ask, don’t tell” outfit, or at least part of it. We shared our suite with a bunch of kids between 9-13 years old. I think they probably got quite the queer education from the mouth of Gaga, and the gyrations of the hot dancers.” – Beth Ramsey
“Didn’t expect to be subjected to homophobic slurs at The Lady Gaga show but… The dude behind us: 1) Called the opening singer a fag 2) Booed during Gaga’s G/L/B/T PSA. 3) Said to his girlfriend “Let’s kicks the lesbians in the head.” It was at that point I got us other seats and KT told him off. Not sure why he was t…here, but they left about 5 songs into her set. Good riddance! Otherwise, great show!” – Caryn Brooks