As gayness becomes increasingly familiar in our lives, so it is reflected on the small screen. And despite that the American TV-watching population was most likely watching one of the straightest (well, if you don’t account for subtext) television events yesterday, there were most definitely some queer weekend highlights.
Firstly, let me indulge my obsession with science fiction. Though not nearly as epic as the recent SyFy hit Battlestar Galactica, new series Caprica is pretty interesting. This week they very nonchalantly introduced a gay couple as part of the tough-as-nails and mob-like Adama family. Ain’t no Tauron sissies in this touching family scene.
Being gay is nothing new to Saturday Night Live but it’s always amusing to poke a little fun at Fox News and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is a perfect platform.
As for DADT, some day we’re going to look back with astonishment that any form of a communication gap was allowed to exist in the military:
MMAWeekly.com scores the round 10-9 for Hague, and the fight 29-28 for Hague.