We’re currently working on a kik-arse events calendar that will let you see all events going down in P-town at a glance, but until we get that full of content and looking nice, here’s a quick update of what is happening tonight in queer portland.

Recess party, benefit for SMYRC @ Rotture
Double Down @ Holocene, 10th and Morrison. $5 cover. Drinking, dancing, cute people! Come on down-i *may* be there, come say hi.
Rock ‘n Roll Camp for girls benefit—Alley knows more about this, and while it’s not strictly a queer event, i’m sure there will be plenty of dykey people there. 21+, 8900 NE Vancouver Way (deep nopo), $5+ donations.
There is also a benefit for SMYRC happening at Rotture tonight that we didn’t seem to know about until 30 mins ago! (how come). Details fresh in:
Recess party, benefit for SMYRC
Reporter, Slutty Hearts, Advisory, The Catch
DJ stylings by Sister Ray Gun
9pm, $5.00 at the door.
$5-$15 DOLLAR SLIDING SCALE. ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT SMYRC- Sexual Minorities Youth Resource Center. with fun and games including: Double-dutch contest! Live-band musical chairs! All-out Plastic Noodle War! Strip Twister! Full-body fingerpainting! @ROTTURE, 315 SE 3rd AVE, Portland, OR 97214
…and the usual suspects:
FSO DJ and DJ Dougalicious, Boxxes, $3, 1035 SW Stark St.
Seth Hutton, Tronic, Levente and Dawn Leonetti, Red Cap, $3, 1035 SW Stark St.
House of Hollywood: DJ Alex Hollywood, CC Slaughters, Free, 200 NW 3rd Ave.
Rafa, Crush, Free (i think), 14th and SE Morrison
The E Room, dancing and kareoke, $4 after 9pm, 37th and SE Division
for anyone interested in a hot older lady, Hot Flash is tonight.
$8 @ Barracuda. Too bad its name is so unappealing. One day we will play tourist and go to this event and let you know how the Portland older lezzies get down. Until then.