Ah, what a wild ride it’s been…I’ve been paying attention to the happenings of the first lesbian-focused TV drama ever since I read a concept called Earthlings in Curve magazine in my college dorm. The L Word has been fun, frustrating, melodramatic and the vehicle for discussion and lesbo community bonding.
It will be sad to see it finally go this sixth and final season.
What better way to celebrate the end of an era by getting to see boobs on the big screen with a special premiere party this Sunday the 18th at the Bagdad Theater (3702 SE Hawthorne). Doors open at 5:30 with a 7pm start time. Then, it’s time to head over to the afterparty at Holocene (1001 SE Morrison), which is free if you attended the screening.
For a more neighborhood feel you can also watch at the E Room (3701 SE Division) not just this Sunday but every week. Sundays will show the previous week’s episode at 7 and 10pm and the new ep at 8:30 and 11pm. You even get another chance Mondays at 7 and 8pm.
Just to catch you up last season saw a slow start and then got really good by making fun of itself but eventually went back to it’s annoyingly catty roots with the season finale. This year we have Jenny’s murder to look forward to, along with what is sure to be a full season of whodunit. Then finally, Leisha Haley gets her own spin-off, which should start taping in December. I guess that means her character Alice lands The View-esque TV spot?
Ah the L Word! I did “live blogging” for episode 1 of season 6 on my blog… 😉
forgive the plug… 😉