Local Q news is a little slow since yesterday’s anti-climactic visit from Westboro Baptist. So I’m happy to provide you with a little international reality-TV-based goodness. Yes, it’s a happy story, and we love those don’t we? Seems Vladimir Luxuria, an open male-to-female transwoman, won the Italian version of Survivor.
Oh yeah, and did I mention she’s giving her winnings to UNICEF? What more do you want from a feel-good holiday story?
So thanks to my pal Brian for providing me with not only the links to two Italian pictures/articles but for also translating the text. He says:
If the Westboro Baptists came to Silverton to protest a trans mayor they really need to come over to Italy, we just voted a MTF as winner of the Italian version of Survivor…You should note that Luxuria was also elected to parliament here in 2006 as a communist and served until April 2008.
From Metro News Italy:
The Island (Survivor Italy) has given its response. The winner of the 2008 edition is Vladimir Luxuria. These were her words right after winning: “I won The Island because I made the right choice, I listened to my voice and not that of the critics, just as I did when I decided to be free, to be the trans person I am inside. I plan on giving my winnings to UNICEF.” The finale quickly eliminated the unpleasant Tummiotto and left by the side of the road the school janitor Carlo Capponi (who had an epic conflict with his ex lover De Blanc). In the end it was a two person game between Belen and Vladimir (who won the immunity challege). The circuit was completed when Italians chose: the transgender.