
Rumor Has It: K.D. Lang in PDX

K.D. Lang Living in Portland?

Is it True?It is no secret that Portland is known for having some celeb guests. Rumor has it that K.D Lang has recently called PDX her home. That’s right, K.D. may just be living right around the corner from you! According to an inside source of Byron Beck, a popular gossip blog, Ms. Lang is now an Oregonian.

What better place for a vegan, lesbian musician to live? So keep an eye out fellow homos, because you know if she is here, you are bound to see her popping in places like The Bye and Bye and Portobello. To the younger generation, she might just blend into the crowd of  typical Pacific North West lesbians. She ain’t no hipster!

Since Lang is also an activist, keep your eyes and ears open for possible appearances at events for BRO and CAP. And what lesbian doesn’t love animals? Will she be adopting one of the many pooches that the O.H.S. has to offer? Maybe you can snag yourself a sugar mama, which are sorely lacking in these parts, if you scour westside parks with a cute puppy.

As a queer representative of this great city, I think there is no better place for K.D. to call home!

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