 Since the closing of The Egyptian Room last year Portland has been without an official lesbian bar. We’ve muddled along pretty good attending numerous queer nights and sort of claiming some dyke-friendly spaces such as the Florida Room for our own but many among us can’t but hope that another permenant location will spring up eventually. Now performer, community member and, with any luck, entrepreneur Mel Heywood has created a survey to better assess the needs and wants in our community for a new bar. Will it happen? Who knows but taking this survey is the first step in helping make it so. So do it.
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  Trans folks need healthcare too!
Basic Rights Oregon has launched a survey of trans, genderqueer and gender non-conforming Oregonians who have experienced health care discrimination.
According to BRO, “All too frequently, trans Oregonians are denied insurance coverage of health care solely because of their gender identity. Working together, we can bring an end to discrimination and dramatically improve the experience of trans Oregonians accessing care. ”
More info and link to the survey under the cut.
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  Hmm, looks familiar
According to a study released today and published across the internet on blogs and sites such as this one, you’re in good shape. Why? You positively represent the findings of said study, which let a homo know that we are comparatively more likely to read blogs on a regular basis, which is awesome. Shameless plug: It’s also a perfect reason to consider advertising with us. You can find out more about that here).
No news on bisexual, trans identified, or low income folks as per usual (or combinations thereof), and obvs they don’t tell us how they define “gay and lesbian”, but if you can overlook that then it is actually kinda interesting.
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I didn’t even know SMYRC had a blog, but the queer youth advocacy center has some pretty entertaining updates. One of particular interest to young adults, however, is a paid survey about teen tobacco use.
SMYRC is looking for a diverse group of folks between the ages of 18 and 24 who identify as LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex) to participate in a focus group. The topic of discussion will be tobacco use in the Portland queer community. We are looking for current, former, and never-tobacco users alike who have opinions to share about tobacco use.
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