So, all of us geekoids were glued to our live gdgt feeds today (apparently it was the only one that didn’t crash) to watch the saga of Apple’s “Let’s Talk iPhone” announcement unfold. Now in the several years I’ve been writing this blog I have followed pretty much every excitable Cupertino announcement, but I have never written about any. I figured tech geeks are so all over it there’s no point in coming here. So why now?
- I’m not really going to do much of the covering myself. I’ve been inspired by meeting a few other queer tech bloggers so I’m totally going to link to them. Woohoo!
- The new CEO of Apple is a big ol’ power gay, Tim Cook. This was his first keynote as CEO. @ouroboring and I even had a conversation on Twitter during the event commenting on those fancy Swatch-esque watch functions for the iPod Nano wherein she said: “
@qpdx yeah! now officially endorsed by Tim Cook, Powergay.” So yeah, perfect opportunity to highlight powerful ‘mos, talk fashion, and promote my Twitter feed all at once.Continue reading »