Attitudes toward gay marriage have rapidly progressed in the last two decades, especially on the U.S. West Coast. Since the majority of large-scale American technology companies are headquartered in California and Washington, CEOs and other corporate leaders in that industry have acclimated to the trends. Today, software giants like Microsoft, Amazon and Apple are loudly voicing their support for equal marriage rights.
Same-sex marriage has been a newsworthy issue since 1996, when the Republican-led U.S. Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), legally defining “marriage” as a union between a man and woman. The following decade witnessed a shift in public perception of gay marriage, particularly on the relatively liberal Pacific Coast—though, the movement yielded few legislative changes. Instead, courts continued to reinforce the theory that same-sex marriage was unnatural and unconstitutional, in such federal cases as Citizens for Equal Protection vs. Bruning (2005). Those interested in learning more about this case should consider exploring this site for online universities where they can learn more about human and civil rights cases in our nation’s history.
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