
Gay taxes

No one gets particularly excited about paying taxes. They aren’t sexy or fun. But you have to do it. You have to do it even if you’re gay, rather especially if you’re gay, because there’s all kinds of ways that the government can get more money from our unmarried selves than all those child-rearing heteros. But you can make the tax form experience just a tiny bit more enjoyable if you give your preparation business to a fellow queer. Emily Kingan, of Haggard, Sextional and Earl St. Ives fame and has an alter-ego as a tax preparer.

So I encouraged my partner to leave the safety of her lazy and expensive family accountant and go see my former housemate down at Liberty Tax (2044A E. Burnside Street). Yes, the one that dresses people up at the statue of liberty. Dignified? Perhaps not. But apparently they have many friendly folks and quite reasonable rates.

So forget the family accountant, or your own 1040 fumblings and let Kingan infuse your taxes with just that added bit of queerness you were looking for.

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