Celebrate our nationalism in any way you choose. For instance, use an American flag postage stamp as a sexy loincloth to barely cover your naughty bits!
Rice, Beans, & Collard Greens – Pride’s not over according to Basic Rights Oregon, API Pride, Black Pride and Latino Gay Pride as they round out the month with a dance party for queer and trans people of color. And a great way to usher in our fireworks-crazed American Pride celebration weekend. (I’m already hearing the firecrackers going off in my neighborhood as I write).
RnRCFG benefit with Portlandia stars Brownstein and Armisen – So many great things in one: comedy, philanthropy, helping girls rock out, movies, music, TV and a VIP room with two talented comedians/musicians who’ve made our city the Pride of liberal-loving America and the butt of its jokes at the same time. What’s not to love?
Knifey Spoony, Youth Bitch, Midnite Snaxxx & Forsorcerers – Hard rock is alive in Portland and Oakland. See our west coast metal synthesis in action with hometown ladies Forsorcerers and out-of-towners Midnite Snaxxx.
The Cafeteria – It may be summer break but summer school’s in for those of us who flunked gay ed. Guess we’ll just have to keep repeating grades in heat of Vendetta’s back patio, cocktail in hand.
Korin Noelle art opening – One of the masters behind the Drag Mansion‘s costumes has visual in addition to her fashion design and performance skills. You love these already to be prepared to be wowed by a triple threat talent.
IndepenDANCE July 4th weekend at CC Slaughters – Kickoff for a three day CC extravaganza. Drag queens and go go boys clad in matching American flag thongs will carry the weekend but the Superstar Divas Dixieland show and their bastardization of great American speeches will cap it off just right.
Girl Trouble: female powerhaus dance party – A host of badass lady DJs to lead you gracefully into the heat of the weekend. They aim to play some good women-helmed tunes and the cover charge favors the females, so we’ll be the lead in this dance.
Maricones al Matadora‘s Summer Bummer – Since Portalnders ain’t new to bummin’ around this night for homos and their homeys emphasizes cheap cheap cheap! And fun fun fun! And what could be more American?
Bad Roommate story night – There have been some horrors sleeping in the rooms next us all at one time for another. I’m awfully glad not to relieve mine, but I suppose other people’s pain can be quite funny. In the hands of these comedic lezzies, I’m sure the schadenfreude will be hilarious.
Grab your sparklers and try not to burn off your hands with illegally purchased fireworks. Don your best red, white and blues. Put some hot dogs or tofu pups on the barbie and get your BBQ on. We’re not English after all!