Mindy Cohn in 'Violet Tendencies'
6:30pm @ Living Room Theaters – Brotherhood
7pm @ Cinema 21 – The Four Faced Liar
In what seems like a queer version of the hipster hailed Medicine for Melancholy, The Four Faced Liar follows “womanizing” Bridget and her BFF and flatmate Greg. One night hanging out at their local, the Four Faced Liar, they meet prim and proper NYC newbies Trip and Molly. The boys bond over sports and the girls over…well…K-I-S-S-I-N-G…against Molly’s better straight-laced judgement. Drama-rama!
9pm @ Cinema 21 – Violet Tendencies
Professional fag hag from the Facts of Life Violet (Mindy Cohn) just can’t seem to find a straight guy to date. Approaching 40 she is teh belle of the gay ball but ends up alone at the end of the night.
In the fast-paced world of high fashion PR where she works,Violet’s love of the gay serves her well and she aims to find her straight male counterpart, the mythical “fag stag.” But glamorous guru Salome (Kim Allen) gives her conflicting advice. To nab a man, she insists, Violet must abandon her gay boys once and for all.