Bearracuda celebrates a year in Portland
What happened last weekend queer Portland? Where were you while I was in my undies at Ransom PDX? Too tired? Or were you missing our special Thursday post telling you what to do all weekend? Well, you’re in luck because it’s back. And there’s plenty to do. In fact, this one comes early, because you might want to start your weekend tonight.
Fame present Kling Klang – Yeah! I love it when the band queers and the dancin’ queers do it up together. And there’s so many good live musicians (Myths, Matrimony, Vibrato, Paradise Island) they will totally be starting at 9pm. You know, so you can dance all damn night.
Dirtbag! – The nitty gritty dance night put on by Jenny Bruso and her tranny boys has moved both nights and locations but everyone knows that Thursday is the queer Friday anyway. I always start my weekend early, even if everyone else shows up late. Plus it’ll be interesting to see how it all goes down at the seedy but right on Alberta street venue of The Know (2026 NE Alberta)
Laughter Glow at the E Room – Comedy is comin’ up in Stumptown so you better not miss the trend. And though it may feel far away, the city’s only all lezzie all the time bar could always use your business.
Bent – No fear ladies and gents, this queer dance dive is here to stay no matter what the North Portland venue is called. We’re gonna dance it out dirty in the hood y’all.
Stray Fires 1st year PNCA MFA Exhibition – Outrageous and brave first year grad students have some of the most interesting work. Plus, great date cruising spot, especially if you don’t want to be wasted. Artists are hot.
Bearracuda 1 year anniversary – This bear party was supposed to happen once a year but it was so popular its been springing up all year long. Never the less this year uno celebration is sure gonna bring the beast to the dancefloor. Growl!
Boom! – DJ Delusional‘s last night spinning records in town should be a fun, if bittersweet, send off. Standing for “Back on our memories,” Boom is a 90?s dance party that will surely bring the neon back.
Don’t forget about Dirty Queer on Friday!
thanks max! sometimes we forget about the well established things.<3