Black OUT marches in Portland Pride 2006
Though the wrestlers, dancers and Latin hunks were out in full force this weekend, making for an incredibly successful Latino Gay Pride in Portland, our Black Pride, put on by the Unity Project (formerly Brother to Brother) seems to be having more of a struggle.
Amid the scandal of Executive Director Alisa Simmons’ abrupt resignation, and questions about the need for Unity Project to exist, the events scheduled for this year seem a bit pale in comparison to the popular block party of last year.
But we all know parties are made by the people that attend them, and Black Pride has the potential to surprise us all with some bangin’ bashes. Below is the weekend’s potential.
Thursday 6-11
- Opening reception and forum, 5:30pm
- Jill Scott viewing party at Crush (1400 SE Morrison), 8pm
Friday 6-12
- Step! Fashion Gala at Q Center (4115 N Mississippi), 8pm
Saturday 6-13
- UPO Waterfront Pride Village at Waterfront Park
- 9th Annual BlackOUT Concert at Pala Lounge (105 NW 3rd) featuring Melange Lavonne, Last Offence and Bry’Nt, 9pm
Sunday 6-14
- UPO Waterfront Pride Village at Waterfront Park