With the final season of the L Word well underway (episode 2 aired last night), part of me wants to hold on and recap every episode until the show’s dying breath. And yet, my allegiance to the show is negligible and I skipped out last night entirely in order to catch the Kick/Ball/Change performance (review to follow shortly!).
Luckily, there are plenty of reactions in blogs all over the Web. AfterEllen often has some interesting things to say but I personally recommend the NY Magazine recaps being written by my friend and colleague Caryn Brooks.
There’s no doubt that, as campy and horrible as the L Word has been at times, it truly was a breakthrough television show. In a TV lineup fairly devoid of lesbian depictions, the L Word has managed a diverse understanding of a lesbian, trans and queer community. And while it may be melodramatic and prettied-up for the screen much of the ideas ring true, as trite as they may seem to us old hats.
Now that we have a first show under our collective lezzie belts I hope we can move on to more interesting and envelope-pushing shows. We know already that Leisha Hailey, who plays Alice Pieszecki will be continuing with a spin-off. And while I’m somewhat uncomfortable with the fact that she’ll be the one in jail, both because she’s my L Word alter-ego, and because now it seems that the whole final season mystery is already ruined, I am ready to move on and see lesbian characters incorporated across shows and themes.
I did a “live-blogging” recap of the 1st episode on my blog last week (bridgeout.wordpress.com/2009/01/21/live-blogging-the-l-word-601), and I did watch episode 2 last night. But I could not bring myself to recap episode 2. I cannot count the times I rolled my eyes last night. And yet, I know I will see it through to the finish of the last season.
I will check out the other recaps you recommended! 😉