Sunday starts early at 3 pm with La Leon in what looks to be particularly artsy and depressing. The black and white tones tell the story of lonely gay fisherman Alvaro. His only link to civilization is through a water taxi, whose cruel boatman begins a crusade against the man.
I’m hoping, though I’m sure there will be difficult moments, that The Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela at 5pm, will be slightly more uplifting. Raquela is a transsexual – or “ladyboy” – from the Philippines gives up prostitution for the more lucrative internet porn biz. This puts her in touch with a cavalcade of western customers who attempt to make her dream of moving to romantic Paris come true.
But alas Sunday continues its melancholy (if hopeful) machinations with Ciao at 7 pm. A man dies leaving behind a best friend as well as an internet date to grieve for him. They get to know each other as they come to terms with the death of their friend and learn to love again in the process. A gay chick flick, if you will.