It’s one of those stories I’ve been ignoring forever because it seemed not just unsubstantiated and silly but, frankly, pointless and uninteresting. Rumors have been swirling that Lindsay Lohan and BFF DJ Samantha Ronson have been feeling more than the music since at least last summer. But the rumor mill started grinding again when the two were spotted canoodling in Cannes last week.
Couple that with gay marriage becoming legal in the Hollywood haven state of California and you’ve got a real headline, like, say: “Lilo engaged to Samantha Ronson.” If I’m not mistaken we still wear our engagement rings on the left hand in this country (although with all these new gay rules who knows …) so the article’s accompanying photo is pure filler.
However, I was still not compelled to write about the the ongoing drama surrounding the possible celebriDJ/troubled-child-actress pairing until this bit of wisdom came forth. Yesterday, famous-for-nothing, (well, I have some idea but is it really appropriate to bring that up now?) self-professed Queen of MySpace, and star of MTV’s A Shot at Love, Tila Tequila weighed in with the incredibly erudite, “Just go all out with it!” (It worked for her career …). She followed up her brilliance by describing her ideal mate as, “Someone who can help me carry my purse and my lip gloss.”
Seeing as females often don’t have a problem showing affection, whether or not they’re sleeping together (and besides, I think it most likely that Linds and Sam were just rolling on E anyway …), I really can’t say whether Sam and Lindsay are an item. But I can hope that eventually Tila won’t be associated with our team.
Damn! If most lesbians were to take pride in their appearance and look hot like Tila and Lindsay, then you would find lesbians much more welcomed by society. But this tendency for the vast majority of lesbians to look like men (and very ugly men at that) just brings out the ‘ick’ factor to anyone with a a sense of aesthetics. It’s just gross and most people are revolted by it and object. Must feel great to a pariah of society just to chase a hobby.
You sure seem to spend a lot of time reading this blog to trash queer people and opinions and perpetuate stereotypes. Why is that?
A) No one else reads anything here. You never see anyone else post so it keeps things lively to at least have a response.
B) This is as very biggoted blog that excludes the heterosexual point of view and it’s important that the common sense point of view be reflected here. I just say what a many Portlanders think but won’t say even if it’s an anonymous online post because of the Nazi PC bashing tactics the uber-liberals resort to….Oh, sorry. My liberal side and roots came out when I used the word “biggoted” to describe something I can’t agree with or does not meet my own ideals.
C) It certainly doesn’t take much time to read and reply here??? In fact this whole reply took me less than 3 minutes!
You’re certainly welcome to post and contrary to what you may believe, I do welcome opinions different from mine. What I object to, or rather, question, is why you feel it necessary to put others down in order to make your point.
And you are right, this is not a blog about the heterosexual point of view. That’s called “everything else.” When you don’t recognize the heteronormative privilege inherent to most other media that makes you the bigoted (not biggoted) and ignorant one.
My God (I know that must be a four letter word to you), you must of taken some Women’s Studies classes at PSU! That’s the biggest load of unsubstantiated BS. Don’t forget, you are doing some blog that is a part of the online Oregonian, and they are as pro-homo as any rag there is! ‘Heteronormative’ my ass.
At this point responding to your puerile rants has become ineffectual and pointless because you’re not making an argument. But I do hope this helps spur some real discussion.
It is said that everyone is bi to some extent. Not sure about this. But I also heard about the same from some professional sites. Maybe it depends on how to define it.
If you appreciate the beauty in both men and women, and find yourself attracted to the person regardless of their gender,then you are bi. Many hot and sexy bi singles & couples on ** BiLoves dotcom ** are looking to explore their bisexuality,coming out or enjoying their lives as bi here.
If you don’t know whether You Are Gay, Lesbian Or Bisexual,you may check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDjtVS9iaDA. The psychotherapist Dominic Davies will tell you the answer.
It is said that everyone is bi to some extent. Not sure about this. But I also heard about the same from some professional sites. Maybe it depends on how to define it.
If you appreciate the beauty in both men and women, and find yourself attracted to the person regardless of their gender,then you are bi. Many hot and sexy bi singles & couples on ** BiLoves dotcom ** are looking to explore their bisexuality,coming out or enjoying their lives as bi here.
If you don’t know whether You Are Gay, Lesbian Or Bisexual,you may check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDjtVS9iaDA. The psychotherapist Dominic Davies will tell you the answer.