Our little green friend had her name imposed on her. I guess that’s what happens when you let everyone else write their guest commentaries before you. But I like that after all the fun, silliness and partying Greenie took the time to write a very heartfelt post that really wraps Pride up in a way that is still fun but also energizing. We use Pride to celebrate our queerness but I sometimes overlook that we are also proud. We are a people deserving of rights and respect. We’re also, it turns out, a little mushy when we realize how much love we have for our friends and our queer queer community.

I began my pride weekend by spending most of Saturday in bed reading “Stone Butch Blues” and receiving a total humbling amazing history lesson that made me move through the weekend recognizing my privilege and freedom to be me! I’ve been out acting hella gay, loving and playing with gender queerness for quite some years now and have been relatively unscathed by outward aggression or gay bashing. Reading “Stone Butch Blues” was a startling, horrifying, beautiful reminder of the generations before me that bore the brunt and fought so i could be who i am and feel safe today. just a shout out for the struggle! i was so amped to be part of Portland Pride this year. Something about this place has made me embrace my queerness in a new way – I’ve adopted a personal motto I want to share with all: “Never put the gay away!” which was only enforced by an awesome bumper sticker I saw recently that said “Act gay in public!” Ah! Which is what pride is all about and what we all gotta do everyday. We were also out in force at the Tranny/Dyke march which I would have loved to hear more noise at & see more celebrating! It was more of a chill social stroll… Next year i am on “project make a spectacle” maybe I’ll start a queer marching band or dance troop & get a sound system rolling. Who’s down? Well Sunday Pride was bright, loud and gay-gay, just as it should be. When i was first rolling up in the morn my first sight was a huge sign held up by some Jesus freak, it said something about “saving your body for the kingdom of heaven and bathing in g-d’s light or face being banished to the LAKE Of FIRE FOR ETERNITY!” all i could thing was hell yes! Take me there! Tt will be a forever hot hot party with all my gayqueer ass sassy kinky friends FOREVER! woohoo. Come to think of it I am totally naming my gay resort rest home “Lake of Fire.” See you there! xo p
Portland specifically and Oregon in general is an emabarrassment!!! Thank GOD for RIGHT thinking Americans. I am proud to say this Oregonian is no longer residing in such a out of touch part of the country!
Fighting had reportedly broken out between workers and villagers angry at Chinese managers over an industrial accident. ,