More than just irreverent Banana-Mo’s commentary really just speaks for itself. By that I mean I really have no idea what to say…But this one’s special…
I am Banana-Mo.

My color is yellow and I chose my bandana proudly the night of our super queer planning party. That is, until we looked up what the bandana colors meant online and now it appears I like people to pee on me. Do I like that? No. Am I still willing to fly my pee flag proudly on the Day of Gay? Absolutely. Bananas are yellow and I am a Mo. I am Banana-Mo.
So while I have you here, let me tell you some juicy gossipy secrets about the other members of Team Awesome: Grundle Force! who you will be seeing in the parade and on this website.
Purple Peep fell off her bike the other day and flashed a bus stop full of school children.
Ms. Scarlett has a tattoo on her wrist that covers up a treasure map.
Agent Orange is addicted to video poker and ladies with more than two nipples.
Blue Avenger cries like a baby whenever she sees the last scene of Independence Day.
Green Horny has naked pics on my computer from the last time she used it and she’s not getting them back.
And me….Banana-Mo….Well I tell all your business, that’s what I do! But I do this for the best reasons….It simply isn’t healthy to keep secrets at all! It is too heavy to lug around all that superfluous info all the time. You have to dump it off and keep moving, I can help you do that. So you see, it’s a service I do. Banana-Mo….helping you shed the secrets and move on to new secret making activities.
Be sure to check back for photos tomorrow. Even more will be here.
a much ballyhood event, generally viewed as the evolutionary re-enactment of an 1871 Barnun & Bailey’s sideshow.