
Boy and girl bike dancing

Though none of the 3 groups I am about to mention are explicitly queer, there is definitely a queer feeling to their performances, and I’m sure some queer folks among them. Last Friday I braved a very crowded and hot Disjecta to see the Sprockettes, the BCClettes, and The B.R.A.K.E.S…and, I am absolutely entranced by them…

The Sprockettes may be well known to you already. The pink and black clad dance troupe is anything but typical as they combine their routines with Zoobomber style mini-bikes and even some two-wheeled acrobatics. I never knew where to look as they flew in front of my vision, standing or laying on moving bikes or busting out elaborately choreographed dance moves.

But at least I knew that I had been missing an amazingly original phenomenon when I didn’t make myself walk the 10 blocks to see them perform at Last Thursday or missed numerous other opportunities. But I was not prepared for the equally brilliantly color themed costumes and crazy bike dance stylings of Vancouver BC’s dueling boys and girls bike dance troupes The BCClettes and The B.R.A.K.E.S. In fact, I just about swooned when the boys and their matching bikes ended their run with a bike and boy strip show down to their tighty brighties. The two groups also got together in a finale that pitted the two Canadian bike gangs in a campy performance that was worthy of any drag club, even if the pairings appeared to all be male and female. For just a taste (including the steamy underwear pedal) I’ve included a YouTube video below. There’s plenty more to be had.

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