
Christian Coalition leader confesses to child molestation

I don’t like to arbitrarily pick on Christians. Really, I don’t. I think spirituality can be a great thing, and if Jesus as your savior keeps you strong and healthy I’m all for it…as long as you’re not trampling others on the way to your own personal fulfillment. That’s what it seems that the Christian Coalition likes to do. They advocated for the OCA’s ballot initiative that would prohibit any discussion of homosexuality in schools with the argument that they were “protecting children.”

However, they seem to be doing anything but.

The folks over at GayRightsWatch have been tracking Lou Beres, former head of the Oregon Christian Coalition. Allegations have come out that he sexually molested several young girls and now, because he believes himself safe from prosecution (which he is), he has confessed. I’m not a lawyer but 6 years seems an awfully small statute of limitations for child molestation, considering a child may not be mature enough to handle the process a mere 6 years after an incident. But, if nothing else, I hope those he molested will get some sort of retribution both financially and publicly. And that Mr. Beres is, at the very least, shamed for what he has done, and punished in the eyes of whatever God he believes in.

And remember, the Christian Coalition does not have our children’s best interests at heart.

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