'The Secret Diaries of Anne Lister'
If you missed the big Howl premiere last week, fear not. Howl begins a week run at Cinema 21 this Friday.That same day at 7 pm, executive producer, Gus Van Sant, will intro the film, show a short he made of Ginsberg and chat live with James Franco via Skype. As for the rest of the fest, it continues at the Hollywood Theater (4122 NE Sandy Blvd).
9:30pm @ Hollywood Theater Friday Oct 8 – Role/Play
From five time writer/director Rob Williams (Make The Yuletide Gay, 3-Day Weekend, Back Soon and Long-Term Relationship) comes a story of the A-list gays and all their troubles. Video editor Mike Justice will be on hand to answer questions after the screening.
While hiding out from the paprazzi at a secluded Palm Springs resort, recently outed Soap opera star, Graham Winsdor (Steve Callahan), and a recently divorced gay marriage activist Trey Reed (Matthew Montgomery) find themselves kindred spirits. These hard workin’ men find passion in expressing their professional pitfalls and compel one another to confront the firestorm that their relative scandals have wrought.
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