The Dallas, Texas, bar that I reported was barring drag queens and transwomen from its popular Tuesday nights finally saw the wrath of ladies and their allies this Tuesday night.
Crews Inn co-owner David Moore had argued that he wanted to keep them all out because they were thieves, troublemakers and all looked alike, a statement that sounded disturbingly familiar to racist segregation arguments from the past.
While Tuesday night’s protesters may have only numbered in the 20s, they were apparently successful in convincing some to turn away from the door of the Crews Inn.
This success were likely aided by the fact that another local queer bar, Zippers, exists right across the street and welcomes a crowd that ranges across the gender spectrum sipping its drinks and raging on its dance floor. The Zippers line snaked around the block.
It sounds as if even the those participating in the direct action were able to enjoy the flavor of the evening. Whether the party was outside or inside it was most certainly a summer night of camaraderie and femme-tastic fun as activists paraded with signs that read “Equal rights for makeup and tights!”
Thanks so much to local “anonymous469” and the Dallas Voice for pointing the way to an update of this story and giving us a great round of tranny protest pictures. Sing it sistah!
Wish I could have been there.
Update – video from the protest: