Dan Ostergren's portraiture exhibit, 'Queers, Queens and Everything In-Between' opns Thursday at the East End
Portland Drag Race – Our local version of the popular drag star competition returns to Red Cap for its 4th 12 week run. The format will be a bit different. Each week a cash prize to the winner instead of one big prize at the end. So be prepared for some great new talent that was much to busy to commit to the long haul in past seasons.
Queers, Queens and Everything In Between art opening – Gender blending art photographer Dan Ostergren has taken some of the most loved queer portraits in town and this is the night to show them off. To help him celebrate the drag stars, local celesbians and other PDX characters he’s shot is a great 3 set show my up and comers directly below.
Sistafist, Magic Mouth & Boys on the Storm – Rock, rap and even some electronic influences have seemlessly combined in these wonderfully fresh queer bands. This is the future of Portland music right here folks. (This was incorrectly listed as last week. But you didn’t miss it! Go tonight!)
Sweet Tea 1 year anniversary – The little queer gathering in wilds of deep deep North Portland is turning old year old already! Don’t miss baby’s first steps into the success of a laid back queer night that’s survived the training period.
Dirtbag! – Alberta’s only gay dance party ushers you into the weekend with a debut from new DJ Troubled Youth.
Homomentum: Love Knots – It’s the V Day version of the popular queer performance monthly. Expect more than the usual chocolates and Vagina Monologues. You’re bound to get tied up one way or another with the likes of CJ and the Dolls, Melody Awesomazing and Puppetrator X, and a ‘Momentum debut of Sossity Chiricuzio, among many other favs and newbies.
Deep Cuts – Homo party for the music enthusiast goes beyond the thumpa thumpa or the radio setlist and features globetrotting (or at least west coast trotting) guest DJ Chelsea Starr.
Portland Lesbian Choir Valentine concert – Lady crooners belting their best in honor of the day we publicly declare our romantic love and its capitalist accoutrements. They’ll go from breakup, through bad dates to happily ever after featuring songs from Lady Gaga and Madonna to the favorite Broadway show tunes with a dance party afterwords.
Easy.G.B: OMFG – Not sure what the extra acronyms are set to add but the first Easy was a roaring success and this month shouldn’t be any different. They’re flashing forward to ’77 so it’s time to dance like New York City just had a huge power outage and you’ve got a safety pin in your nose and zippers on your bondage wear.
Truly a worthwhile article reading through and sure to be bookmarking this site for the futureexhaust silencers