Brent Pruitt in front of one of his tamer works of art. Be prepared for more genitalia in the upcoming show
I love contemporary art. I love it even more when it is unafraid to poke fun at itself. Any medium worth studying is also worth mocking. In the spirit of self-love and expression while still not taking yourself too seriously is local artist Brent Pruitt‘s First Friday opening Felt Up: Queer Erotic Tomfoolery at Studio 2507 (2507 SE Clinton Street). Appearing for the month of Februrary the show opens this Friday with a reception from 6 to 9pm during the southeast’s hipper First Thursday equivalent.
This irreverent show in felt may be child-like in its playfulness, but it is anything but innocent. The pieces use the school-age craft material to create pictures of gleefully erupting penises and bright and cheerful vulva in the de Flower series.
Pruitt studied film and communications at Antioch College with a concentration in sociology and queer studies. He calls his art an exercise in self-exploration and visual extension of his creative writing often incorporating topics of body image, social justice, gender/queer issues, mortality, existentialism and the environment.
I call it it fun.