The PDX Q Center’s (69 SE Taylor Ave at SE Water Ave) busy calendar features 2 pretty exciting back to back events this Saturday starting at the somewhat un-gay-friendly hour of 10 a.m. with Holiday Eats ‘n Treats sponsored by the Men’s Wellness Center. Following up the holiday celebrations is the practical LGBTQ College and Scholarship Fair at the much more college-age-friendly hour of 2 p.m.
For you morning revelers:
Stop in for Holiday Eats ‘n Treats and enjoy a late morning of your favorite funny holiday film clips, enjoy some fruit or a toasted waffle with fresh juices & Starbucks coffee, and put a crafty touch on a do-it-yourself ornament.
For those of you more interested in getting some schooling under your belt:
Representatives from many of the top local schools (Oregon State, Portland State, U of O, Western, Portland Community College, Willamette University, Marylhurst University, Pacific University, and Reed College) will be here to answer questions about their academic and student-life programs as well as provide assistance regarding the application process.
And since advanced education is expensive, this event is co-sponsored both by Pride Foundation and Equity Foundation. Together, they will offer presentations that will give you tips on the best ways to obtain some of their $400,000 in scholarships designated for LGBTQ students!
And seeing as the holiday shopping season has officially begun I encourage you to send me your favorite gay gift ideas. I couldn’t possibly link to any of last year’s because you can only have so many Scissor Sisters’ boxed sets. In this economy will we all be homemade homos this year?