While it would be nigh impossible to top the fervor of last year’s first Siren Nation Festival that featured a reunion of the iconic Portland dyke rockers Team Dresch, the energy was certainly there on Friday’s first night of rock.
The large, open Wonder Ballroom was feeling spacious and sparsely populated throughout the first 3 bands but finally revved up as Bellingham’s sassy ladies of The Trucks took the stage. Proclaiming that this would be one of their last shows, Marissa showed off her snarky stage attitude as well as the adorable tooth gap as she sang wildly into the microphone. She was balanced brilliantly by Kristin, her sweetly singing fellow frontwoman.
Then hip hop mavens Northern State kept the party going with their tough but skilled beats and rhymes, popping in and out of melody and MC madness with ease. The crowd was jumpin’ as Hesta Prynn spat out her lyrics and by the end of the show we were sad to see it end, but tired enough to be relieved at the break until the next set of events. A great intro to a great fest.
Check out the music category of the photo gallery to see pics from the show.