Anti-Prop 8 rallies are being held nationwide on Saturday November 15th beginning at 10:30am in a show of solidarity and support for thousands of our community who have been so deeply effected by these measures. Portland’s part in Fight the H8 rally will take place in this in the south Park Blocks at 10:30am with speakers scheduled to get started sometime after 11:30. They include:
Bonnie Tinker, Executive Director for Love Makes a Family
Pastor Nathan Meckley, Senior Pastor for Metropolitan Community Church
Betsy Kennworthy, Clerk of Multnomah Meeting
Aubrey Harrison, Basic Rights Oregon
Jessica Lee, Basic Rights Oregon
Reverand Tara Wilkins, Executive Director for The Community of Welcoming Congregations
Tash Shatz, Community Organizer
Melanie Davis, Managing Partner, El Hispanic News
Kendall Clawson, Executive Director, the Portland Q Center
Laura Calvo, Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon GLBT Caucus and 2008 Spirit of Pride Award Recipient
Some thoughts from event co-organizer Debra Porta courtesy Just Out:
Folks are more than welcome to bring their own signs. The only thing we ask, is that they do not target race and religion, as that defeats the purpose of our gathering. We plan to have speakers closer to noon (11:30 and after).
This is a rally, not a march. Our hope is, aside from demonstrating our support for the communities impacted around the country by the passage of ballot measures last week, that this event can serve as the kick-off for the organizing and work that we have ahead of us in preparation for 2010, and beyond.
Rallies will also be taking place in other cities around Oregon.
Eugene City Hall
777 Pearl St
Info at: www.queereugene.com
Corvallis City Hall
120 NW 4th St
Contact: Faith Reidenbach reidenbach.9(at)osu.edu
Info at: http://jointheimpact.wetpaint.com/page/Corvallis?t=anon
Corner of East Main St. and South Central Ave.
Contact: Leslie Stone (541) 488-9168 lesliestone(at)ashlandhome.net
Janelle Wilson (541) 552-8328 wilsonjan(at)sou.edu
Info at: http://politigay.posterous.com/press-release-nov-15pdf-adobe
Location 1: Riverfront Park in front of the carousel
Location 2: Jackson Plaza at Willamette University
Both groups will march to the Capital Building downtown.
Contact: Michael Miles blueiceman26(at)gmail.comJoin
Info at: http://www.myspace.com/gaymarriagenow