Yet another new queer dance party night springs up beginning this Friday the 18th. ReVamp, held at a nameless North Portland venue (2410 Mississippi Avenue) across the street from Widmer Brew Pub, presents itself in a fairly vague way.
The night is open to all queer and queer-friendly toe-tappers and booty-shakers, though a perusal through the night’s Myspace photos revealed nary a male in sight. (Though since this is opening night, at least in Puddletown, it’s unclear where the photos are coming from. See what I mean?)
They also claim to have the “…hottest go-go’s around, the sweetest DJs, and the sauciest drinks…” though the residents aren’t named until quite later, (DJs Wildfire and Girl Friday) and the drink specials are never actually revealed.
Even so, a mystery can be exciting. I’ve never been one to shy away from ambiguity, be it in gender, sexual orientation or language, so why should I judge my club nights any differently?
This is a blind date that might very well blossom into a hot summertime fling. And since I have been whinging for a dance night in the NoPo for some time now I feel it is my duty to give our new neighborhood queer night a chance.
If you gave me a theme I might feel a touch more prepared, especially since I’m really hoping the ReVamp title has little to do with starry-eyed goth girls and more to do with reinventing yourself and your dance moves. Luckily, the highly creative Portland is bound so show up with some brazen costumes and bejeweled divas who might appreciate this blank slate with which to create a premiere lezzie hot spot. I dare you to join me in this endeavor.