While rainbows and drag queens may rule Sunday’s parade, Portland’s gay jocks have plenty of pride as well. And they are most certainly going to bring it when the All-Stars from Oregon’s largest gay sports organization, the Rose City Softball Association, take on the Portland Police in their Annual Pride Charity game.
The game takes place this Saturday the 14th at Farragut Park (N. Kerby Ave and Farragut) and your $5 entry fee benefits the Q Center. The Police Cadets will also be selling food and beverage as part of their own fundraising efforts.
The fuzz are one up on us, having won 6 to the RCSA’s 5 games. In this 12th year the gays have a shot at evening the score and the competition is bound to be ultra fierce. So pack up the pom poms and put a ponytail in your hair. It’s time to play ball.