I’ve made no secret of my love for Dani Campbell, the hunky futch fiirefighter that appeared on the first bisexual dating show, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. And the girl has had a whirlwind of lovin’ and celebrity spotlight since she got dumped on the show last November (Girl, Tila wasn’t good enough for you anyway!), including gracing the covers of GoMag, SheMag and an upcoming issue of Curve.
Now she’s decided to grace PDX with her presence. (I told her we were better than Seattle. I wonder if she was listening). So while I generally am skeptical of the mainstream extravaganza of public relations that are the monthly Girl 4 Girl parties, part of me is going to be sorely tempted to attend tomorrw’s event at the wonder Ballroom (128 Russell St.) (It’s a block away from my gym…Maybe I can just pretend I wandered over…). Local hottie, and extremely skillful DJ Beyonda will be providing the beats so the party’s bound to be more bangin’ than usual.
For those of you less tempted than me, drag your punk @ss to the last Blow Pony at the EaglePDX’s current Stark Street location. This party will be less futch and more dirty queer but it rides until 4am so its definitely the spot for the hardcore among us.
Decisions, decisions!