Keira Knightly is most certainly too skinny. It’s gone beyond what most people find attractive and has seeped into the world of bones so prominent they’re bound to fend off potential mates. If she really was ill you would certainly have to feel sorry for her. But her claim that she’s just unable to put enough pounds to be any sort of normal weight is a story I just don’t buy.
Her doc’s probably right. It would be tough for her to get to a size 12 without giving up exercise and eating junkfood. But I’m sure with a normal 2000 calorie diet and some weightlifting she could at least get beyond her cancer-patient looking negative 0 dress size, or whatever she wears.

You may be asking the relevance of this semi-rant. Keira Knightly isn’t queer…despite what you may have thought after watching ‘Bend it like Beckham.’ But Beth Ditto, who Knightly cites as a bodyweight inspiration, certainly is, and she’s been making the miss-thing-of-the-minute rounds for some time now. This doesn’t help me believe that Keira is genuine. While I, and countless punk-rock dykes, have always thought the chanteuse quite a hottie, I’m not sure the public at large (no pun intended) is quite ready to call the only big name lesbian rock star chubbette a sex goddess. She ain’t no “size 12” like Keira so wishes to be, that’s for sure. So excuse me if I don’t cry Keira a river that the pressure in Hollywood to gain weight is pushing you out of the biz.
On a sidenote, the AIM article that snagged my attention on this one included a video for “Standing in the Way of Control” which I have included below. It’s my favorite song off their new album but not my favorite video. For more check out this archived post and feel free to peruse the music category to see the rest of my Gossip gushing…
Oh, and and even more random sidenote on this article…In the celebrity body issues section in the middle Courtney Love adamantly claims that her rapid weight loss is not due to gastric bypass. I actually believe her but not because of her trustworthy nature. Can we think of any other reasons Love might be able to get skinny so fast her skin hangs looser than a ‘Biggest Loser’ contestant? My guess would be a holy trinity of meth, coke, and heroin…