As soon as Kulongoski takes pen to paper Senate Bill 2, a non-discrimination bill, will be law. No one seems to be sure when, exactly, it will go into effect, but Basic Rights Oregon promises to keep up appraised of the situation with their newsletter.
The bigger question is what, exactly, this means for gay Oregonians. I have to admit I have not read through the religious exemptions but that idea does make me nervous in a bill designed to make sure we all have a fair shot at jobs, housing, and being full members of Oregon’s communities. And as historic as this is I feel many of us conducted our daily lives as if this was already a law. We believe that we should be treated equally and we assume we will. Now this will actually be true. Or at least if it isn’t, we have recourse to the legal system. And I applaud this. On this our day of victory I have no desire the dull the joy with my usual pessimism but this is a baby step. But it is a step nevertheless and if HB2007 also passes during this session I will surely have reason to leave my pessimism for a party at the Capitol.