
Medical resources for the Q crew

Though you may have seen the hordes of rainbow glad Kaiser Permanente marchers at the Pride Parade and seen the booths of docs, therapists, and naturopaths at the festival the truth is that it can still be difficult to find healthcare professionals that are not only sensitive to the needs of queer patients but knowledgeable about our differing medical needs. Resources PDX, a project of Outside In, is the first local website I’ve seen that lists healthcare providers that recognize, respect, and want to work with our community. While there may be specific needs, such as finding psychiatrists willing to work with trans individuals to get them the hormones they need, sometimes it is also just nice to know your massage therapist isn’t freaked out to work on a naked queer body. Either way, I’m quite glad this resource is out there and will be expanded upon, even if the interface isn’t quite up to the “Queer Eye” design standards yet.

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