Couple things to book up your hump day include Sissyboy’s Horror 4: Return of the Dead Tranny at Holocene (1001 SE Morrison). Doors @ 9p. Or you can catch a dyke punk show featuring T-Rexxxa, The Trykes, Le Gume and The God Awfuls at Porky’s Pub (835 N. Lombard). Doors @ 8p. Drink specials include $2 pints on the slightly more upscale hipster beer Fat Tire, as opposed to the slightly more low-brow hipster PBR. So live it up White-Belt.
On Friday put the Gamblers Anonymous meeting on hold to challenge BRO’s Roy Thorpe to a showdown at Texas Holdem. Its always good to loose your shirt to a good cause. It’s at the Hotel Vintage Plaza (422 SW Broadway) from 7-11p. Pre-registration required.
Also, the Portland Gay and Lesbian Film Festival marches on. Be on the lookout tomorrow for a review of Transamerica.