  Last week's cover of the Marine Times
It’s been a long time in the making but my own very non-military-concerned and currently very work heavy life has made me lackadaisical toward tomorrow’s repeal (finally) of the infamous Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. Luckily, the Portland Mercury is all over the best places in to celebrate tomorrow’s lifting of the ban on gays in the military. I don’t have time to reinvent the wheel with my usual witticisms and bad puns so I will simply copy the information, as well as let you know that Mayor Sam Adams tweeted that he wants you to celebrate with him at city hall.
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 In a bit of bleak Tuesday news, it looks like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the policy forbidding military service members from performing their duties out and proud, isn’t going anywhere right now. Senators fell 4 short of the 60 needed to even start the debate on the new defense bill.
From the Washington Post:
Tuesday’s vote does not end efforts to lift the military’s 17-year ban on gays serving openly in uniform, but makes it almost impossible to ensure a repeal is included in the final House-Senate compromise version of the defense bill that lawmakers may vote on during a lame-duck session after November’s midterm elections.
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  Meghan Mayhem at last month's Cuda Cabaret
Besides the all weekend long Circus Artemis, which you absolutely should not miss, there’s plenty of other queer happenings worth dancing it out to this weekend. These are what I’m considering…
The Gong Show – Bad Scene Productions brings you a 70s game show redux for the 2nd time to benefit outside in. Judged by The Mercury’s Wm. Steven Humphrey & Marjorie Skinner and William Batty & Sadie LaGuerre of Wanderlust Circus there’s bound to be nothing appropriate of the former Sissyboy members performing as KD Rang and Mami Tsunami hosted show.
But I’m especially excited to see openers Hammercise with members of the Sprockettes bringing you a whole new way to exercise for summer getting in shape.
Check out a video recap below for a taste:
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 Gay vietnam vet and vietnamese civilian find each other - in Portland. Photo from the Oregonian
Now this is the kind of story we don’t really get to feature very often – a quiet story, a story of love, of pain – both physical and emotional, and yet also a story of reconciliation, of perseverance, and joy.
It’s a story about Don’t Ask – Don’t tell, about war, about art, about survival, but also about how sometimes love and happiness find their own unconventional ways into our lives.
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Obama – Don't support the DOMA. Equality for queer people NOW
Backto reality. The comedown is here, personal and political, small scale and large scale. While we are still dealing with the shambles left behind of a fantastic Pride, we are also hearing about gay bashings of queer/trans people here in our fair city and community. And now this- it seems that the Obama administration may be […]
I have never been a huge military fan myself and have often viewed the unfair “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy as one of the only ways queer lives are safeguarded. But this cheeky attitude is hardly effective in the real world wherein many LGBT individuals wish to serve this country and lead successful military careers openly.
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Today our newly elected President made an overt statement in support of queer Americans by declaring June Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month. And actually he is not the first. President Clinton made a similar declaration in June of 2000 (conveniently positioned towards the end of his second term, well after enacting “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”)
I have included the text of the full press release. I leave it to you good people to discuss its merits, sincerity and effectiveness below.
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Logo news interviews prominent and openly gay Congressman Barney Frank about the current major political issues facing the LGBTQ community today. He keeps his comments quick, simple to the point and, for the most part, fairly positive.
He identifies 3 major steps forward he believes Obama can accomplish in his first term:
1 – A trans inclusive ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act)
2 – A trans inclusive hate crimes bill
3 – Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
And while he was less sure about the timeline of a repeal of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) he thinks the fight is coming and it is worth it. Best yet, he blatantly and loudly calls Justice Antonin Scalia a homophobe. Go Barney! (I love you…You love me…)
For the full video (which is actually only 3 minutes) click below
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