 Catitude at the last Kick/Ball/Change
This Sunday saw the final installment of the queer dance extravaganza, Kick/Ball/Change. The performance, which included regulars such as Untrained, I, Catitude, and Beefcake Burlesque, also featured newcomers Under the Radar and a sexy solo by Carlee Smith. And though there were moments of hilarity and fabulousness, the performance was also tinged with sadness. And now we must be in mourning.
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Kick Ball Change…one more time
Just a final reminder that the LAST EVER Kick / Ball / Change (Dance showcase, and pretty much the gayest thing ever) is happening this Sunday at the Someday Lounge. Get your tickets here online (cheaper) or at the door (it may sell out and then you’d be sad!)
Read what we had to say about the last two Kick […]
Kick, Ball, Change. A PDX dance showcase. I had no idea what to expect (except dancing) but this being a PantsOff production, I knew it had to be good.
 Untrained, I Dance Company
And I was not disappointed. Kick / Ball / Change is not a queer event per se, but it’s anti-authoritarian, DIY, gender-blurring, pop culture-referring, ruckus attitude has all the appeal of Portland’s best queer events – it’s clear that organizers Jodi Bon Jodi and Max Voltage’s many years of organizing and performing queer events are indelible from both their passion and their art.
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While we’re all still to overwhelmed (in a fantastic, magical,”let’s put on your red shoes and dance the blues” kinda way by the event that was Kick/Ball/Change, I neverless found a few spare hours to upload the photos we took.
We have the world’s shittiest camera because we’re so fly-by-night (have one you wanna donate?) so I apologize for some quality issues. Also, we had trbl getting good shots […]
oh my fellow queers, i hope you’ve been saving your spare change and some brain cells for this bashtastic weekend, not to mention dusting off your dancin’ shoes.
 KBC Curtain Call. Photo Courtesy of Lee Kyle
The amazing Kick/Ball/Change will be happening this Sunday, but before then, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get up and get down.
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  Homomentum performs Friday as part of the Lewis & Clark Gender Symposium
For the pop-academia lovers among us this week presents one of the better college conferences on gender and sexuality. Beginning tomorrow Lewis and Clark will kick off the 30th annual Gender Studies Symposium titled New Directions: Gender in the Future. Organized by a committee of students, with support from faculty and staff, the Gender Studies Symposium brings together representatives from academia, activism, and the arts for three days of workshops, roundtable discussions, lectures, film screenings, readings, performances, academic panels, and other intellectual and creative explorations.
This year doesn’t have as big of names as have some past years (i.e. Dorothy Allison, Leslie Feinberg or Angela Davis) but it has a great program nonetheless.
Julia Serano’s Compulsory Genderqueerness: Transsexuality, Feminism and the “End of Gender” on Thursday afternoon should be particularly fascinating. Author of Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity Serano is an artist, wordsmith, slat poet, and Ph.D. holding science geek.
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  Stop hate crime
While none of the qPDX.com staff were able to attend last night’s community forum due to conflicts in our schedules, we’re excited to see that the event, organized by JustOut columnist Daniel Borgen and Stephen Cassell, was well attended, and that Portland Mayor Sam Adams was there to hear concerns from the community first hand. According to coverage by JustOut, one of the main concerns of the forum is the difference between actual homo/transphobic incidents that we all experience, and the rate at which they are reported to the police. At this juncture, I want to share a little story with you about gay bashing, about violence, about police reporting, and about why it matters.
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