
‘The Happiest (plastic) Gay Couple’ premieres tonight

While up at 3 am the other night trying desperately to get back onto Pacific time I happened to catch some of the strangest Logo programming. It was a loose compilation of gay themed cartoons rather like a queer version of Adult Swim. One of the standouts, however, was the decidedly un-PC Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple.

The drama that infuses these little plastic toys comes from the all-too-perfect Rick and Steve’s interactions with two other couples, their stereotypical lesbian “friends” and the young and clueless and cheating boy attached to his lecherous, wheelchair-bound, HIV positive, older boyfriend. Those two, especially, make me laugh with sick delight.

You can catch a 5 minute video intro (included below) or just tune in tonight at 10p.

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