
I’ll never get any sleep

It seems the Doug Fir (830 E Burnside) is just not the place for homos. Jack collapsed mere months ago and tomorrow night (Wed. the 16th) will see the final Snatch. Poo, I’ve only been once! Ah well, though the decor is lovely, the too-cool-for-school atmosphere can get tedious and who wants to drop more than 2 bucks for each Pabst longneck anyway? I’m going back to Booty (Porky’s, 835 N Lombard @ Albina) to kick off my pride where pitchers are less than 5 bills. They seem to have some birthday themes going on for a couple weeks, random though they may be. Joyce Carol Oates this Thursday and Joss Whedon the next. Yes, a fabulous author of intricate coming-of-age novels (namely, Foxfire, rawr) and a campy WB TV show creator. OK, maybe it makes a lot of sense…

Competing with Snatch for your evening’s entertainment are the Sissyboys, back at Holocene (1001 SE Morrison) for Part I in a sure to be smash hit trilogy Sissyboy goes to Hollywood. They promise more bling than JLo, but we all know they’re still the boys from the block. The real question now becomes, where on the walk of fame will all the new stars go?

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